About Us
Our Mission & Vision
Our Vision
We envision a world where people are transformed and dreams come to life because holistic health—including psychological & emotional—is highly valued, pursued, and accessible among all nations.
Our Mission
Field Support exists to support individuals and families dealing with the unique challenges and difficulties of cross–cultural life. Through online technology, we provide quality professional counseling and coaching to Westerners living and working abroad. Our services are reasonably priced and individualized to your needs and goals.
Our Values
We value a thoughtful consideration of our client’s goals, dreams & desires, and we move forward with action and purpose toward seeing them fulfilled.
We recognize the power and influence of culture, family, age, gender, and spirituality in forming an individual’s worldview and approach to life. Our counselors value these influences as we work with you toward your therapeutic goals.
We recognize the power and influence of culture, family, age, gender, Each person is a unique being—inspiring a personal and individualized approach to counseling or coaching. Our clients’ goals and desires are what drive this process. You set the agenda.
We value open, honest, genuine, and pretense–free relating both in personal and professional arenas. Transparency is a sign of being at ease with one’s self and others.
Wounded Healers
As counselors, we acknowledge that we haven’t fully “arrived” but are engaged in our own healing journey and are still in process. We walk with you in an honoring and respectful manner, empowering and supporting you on your journey.
We value an approach to life and personal growth that will enable both our counselors and clients to engage in their life’s passion for the long haul. Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Our Commitment to You
Field Support is committed to providing well–trained, professional counselors to serve you. We continually pursue improving our service and excellence in counseling. We hold in high value our own need to be growing, thriving and lasting in our personal and professional lives.
Our counselors receive regular peer consultation and supervision in order to provide you with the best possible psychological care. We can only support you as well as we ourselves are supported.
Online therapy is a unique method by which we provide emotional and psychological support. We acknowledge the limitations and challenges of this modality and know that it is not the same as “in person” therapy. However, we have repeatedly experienced that the transformative power of the therapeutic relationship and process can take place through online therapy.
In addition to providing support for everyday life in cross–cultural settings, we desire to help Westerners navigate the ups and downs of transitioning to and from life overseas. We offer a variety of therapy packages that can be customized to meet your situation.
Field Support embraces the technical challenges involved with online work. We strive to use technology to meet the needs of our overseas clients in a simple, secure, and seamless way. We take this very seriously and strive to uphold the standards of practice and ethics as stated in the American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics.
Paying it Forward
Field Support is proud to donate at least 10% of annual client fees received to global organizations bringing healing, hope & wholeness to those in need.
Ready To Get The Ball Rolling?
“I’m pretty sure it’ll do me good to talk with a trained, safe professional…”
Please include the following information:
Upon receiving your information, Field Support will assess the appropriateness of our services for you. We’ll be in touch via email within 24 hours. If you don’t hear from us, please email again and ask for a reply…technological glitches do happen!