Services We Provide

There are a variety of reasons for seeking our assistance. In addition to the challenges of everyday life abroad, we can help you find hope in dealing with the following concerns:

Individual Counseling

  • Adults
  • Adolescents

Marital Counseling

  • Intimacy issues
  • Unresolved hurts
  • Ongoing conflict

Transition Coaching

  • Job/work description change
  • Re-location, re-entry, or schooling adjustment
  • Debriefing services for individuals & families (in-person, Stateside)

Crisis Intervention

  • Unexpected trauma (accident, miscarriage, violent incident)
  • Moral failure (marital infidelity, etc.)
  • Mental health emergency (severe depression, panic attack, etc.)

Ready To Get The Ball Rolling?

“I’m pretty sure it’ll do me good to talk with a trained, safe professional…”

Please include the following information:
  • Your name, Location, Organization (Employer)
  • Why are you interested in our services?
  • Why are you seeking help now? Briefly explain.
  • Are you in a state of crisis at the present time? Suicidal?
  • Do you currently have a VSee online video account?
  • How you found us: referral of friend, colleague, etc.; our website; be as specific as possible, please.

Upon receiving your information, Field Support will assess the appropriateness of our services for you. We’ll be in touch via email within 24 hours. If you don’t hear from us, please email again and ask for a reply…technological glitches do happen!